A casino is a gambling establishment that offers a variety of games for its guests to play. These games include slot machines, table games (like poker and blackjack), and live entertainment shows. In order to play in a casino, one must be of legal age and follow the rules and regulations set forth by the establishment. Casinos are also known for offering high-end restaurants, shopping malls, and other amenities that enhance the guest experience.
From the glittering lights of Las Vegas to the gilded skyline of Macau, the top 10 casinos offer a little bit of decadence for all. Featuring opulent furnishings, overflowing bars, and tables for all your favorite games of chance, these temples of temptation are sure to leave you with a hefty bill.
The first European casino was built in the elegant spa town of Baden-Baden, which drew royalty and the aristocracy to its red-and-gold poker rooms and blackjack and roulette tables 150 years ago. Now the Mauro Codussi-designed building is among the most lavishly outfitted on our list.
Although the odds of winning at a casino vary by game, most gamblers lose more than they win, which makes casinos highly profitable businesses. The house edge is generally the highest for games like baccarat and sic bo, while the best chances of winning come from video poker and blackjack. However, the odds are not infallible: in 2013, The Wall Street Journal gained access to a private database of casino results and found that only 13.5% of all players end up making back their money.