A slot is an opening or gap in something that allows for movement. It can also refer to a position within a group, series or sequence. The term is especially common in gambling, where slots are a type of casino game that require players to place a bet and spin the reels in order to win.
A slit, hole or other narrow opening in something, typically used for receiving or inserting items: She slotted the new filter into the water tank.
In the workplace, using time slots to establish important deadlines and support project objectives can help you and your team members stay on track and meet key milestones. For example, if you have several meetings with clients throughout the week, scheduling them according to time slots can be an effective way of tracking and monitoring these engagements. Incorporating this method of organizing meetings and events can also improve collaboration, as it encourages open communication about scheduling conflicts.
In ice hockey, the low slot is an unmarked area in front of the opposing goal that affords a good vantage for centers and wingers when shooting at the net. It is also the position from which the defense can deflect shots. See also No man’s land.