Poker is a game that involves betting with chips. A player can raise his stakes several times. Each time he raises his stake, the house rules will usually allow him to double his amount. After three or four raises, the stakes will usually be very high. If you can’t raise your stakes any further, you will probably be forced to leave the game. In historical poker games, you will be able to double your stakes only up to the amount of the last raise made by the player before you.
A game of Poker can be played with any number of players, though six to eight is the ideal number. The players will make their bets with poker chips, which are usually made of plastic or ceramic. You can also use real money to place your bets, but using chips makes it easier to keep track of. In addition, you can exchange your poker chips for cash if you need to.
The objective of the game is to build a high-ranked hand. If your hand is the best, you will win the pot. When you are playing with a large group of people, you can try to win as much money as you can.