Among the many types of card games, poker has a reputation for being a gambler’s game. That’s understandable, considering how the game uses cards and is often played in casinos. Nevertheless, this article aims to debunk these misconceptions and show how poker is actually a skill-based game. In addition to its high levels of skill and competitiveness, poker can also be a great source of entertainment. To begin with, let’s talk about the rules of poker.
The game has two phases. In the first phase, players make an ante and a blind bet. Each player is dealt two cards face-down and one card face-up. The dealer must offer the first card to the player to his left to initiate the betting phase. After that, the second betting phase begins. The player with the best face-up card will be the first to act. When this happens, the dealer must pass the button position to the player to his or her left.
The game is played with poker chips, which are almost always supplied to players. A good rule of thumb is to have at least seven players in a game. The lowest chip is called the “white chip,” while the red chip is worth five or ten whites. The other chips are the red and blue ones, which are worth ten, twenty, or thirty whites, respectively. Players “buy in” by purchasing chips, usually the same value.